Deshuo-Deshuo Technology-Zhejiang Deshuo-manufacturing power tools

Deshuo plays a leading role in party building, helping farmers to alleviate the difficulties of selling stagnant fruits

Source: Deshuo Publication time:2023-07-19

Party Building Leads, Helps Farmers Sell Fruit

Right now is the peak season of pear ripening on the market, living in Tangxian Town Qingtang Zhuang villagers Jin Fangyou, Liu Yunhua couple but because of the ripening of the fruit and worry. On June 30th this year, in order to relieve his wife's burden of selling pears, Jin Fangyou rode a tricycle to help his wife transported to the Tangxian market, and inadvertently tumbled down a nearly 4-meter-high ditch on the way, which led to an additional injury and was admitted to the Municipal People's Hospital. After learning of the situation, the party branch of De Shuo technology, positive action, called on all employees of the company to play the role of consumption to help farmers, the news spread everyone you 10 pounds of my 5 pounds, and soon for the sale of nearly 1,000 kilograms of fruit farmers lagging fruit.

Right now is the peak season of pear ripening on the market, living in Tangxian Town Qingtang Zhuang villagers Jin Fangyou, Liu Yunhua couple but because of the ripening of the fruit and worry. On June 30th this year, in order to relieve his wife's burden of selling pears, Jin Fangyou rode a tricycle to help his wife transported to the Tangxian market, and inadvertently tumbled down a nearly 4-meter-high ditch on the way, which led to an additional injury and was admitted to the Municipal People's Hospital. After learning of the situation, the party branch of De Shuo technology, positive action, called on all employees of the company to play the role of consumption to help farmers, the news spread everyone you 10 pounds of my 5 pounds, and soon for the sale of nearly 1,000 kilograms of fruit farmers lagging fruit.

Multi-action, cool summer

Again to the summer heat, blazing sun, cool Department is difficult to block, in order to care for the physical and mental health of employees, and effectively do a good job of preventing heat stroke, has been for many years in the high temperature season for the hard work in the front line of the various posts of the staff daily delivery of ice cubes, mung bean soup, plum soup, prune juice, cooler, Sprite and other chilled beverages, but also for the issuance of high-temperature welfare for each employee, multiple and let the staff "cool summer", fully feel the company's care and love.

Safe guarding for a safe summer

Deshuo will continue to do a good job in the hot weather all kinds of production safety, with practical action to care and love the staff of all positions, so that employees really feel the temperature of the company. Employees have expressed that they will stick to their posts, pay attention to their health condition, withstand the "baking" test, and stand every shift well, and in this hot season, they will still maintain full work enthusiasm, and complete all work tasks with high efficiency and high standard.